Northwestern Alumni Spotlight: Apryl Schlueter

This week, I wanted to share this article, as I am heading into my 15th Class Reunion as an undergrad of Northwestern University this week. I was featured as the “Wildcat of the Week” for Northwestern University back in August. This is a way to see how my education has shaped who I am as a person, and how my career led me to where I am now. And also, maybe, why The Cheerful Mind’s branding is purple……
You can click here for the full article. You can also read below:
Wildcat of the Week: Apryl Zarate Schlueter ’02

Ask Apryl Zarate Schlueter ’02 why she loves Northwestern and she will tell you about the passionate people it has helped her meet. “I’ve met so many people from many different walks of life who have done amazing things.”
Many of her closest friends are alumni, as is her husband, Timothy Schlueter ’02, ’15 MBA, so reunion years are always important to Schlueter. She has attended three so far, and she is now serving as co-chair for her 15th Reunion, October 5-8.
While a student at Northwestern, Schlueter explored passions from electrical engineering to cheerleading. She fondly remembers cheering on the sidelines during football games, “being able to watch the game and look back up at all my peers in the stands, supporting our school.”
Schlueter worked at an engineering job throughout college and after graduation worked in IT consulting. After discovering an interest in education, she taught math at a Chicago public high school for three years. Then it was time to return to Northwestern, where for many years she worked as an administrator, running several academic departments.
While a Northwestern employee, she chaired the Northwestern Staff Advisory Council, which nurtured an interest in employee engagement and work-life balance issues. This experience led Schlueter to her current passion and vocation. She now works as an author, coach, and speaker, helping “career-driven individuals streamline their lives and accomplish their goals in the happiest way possible.”
Though Schlueter no longer studies or works at Northwestern, she continues to maintain ties. “Anything I can do to stay connected, I’ll jump at the opportunity,” she says. “And of course, having fun is important to me, so Reunion is a no-brainer!”