Book Review with Sheila Deeth: Are you successful? Are you balanced?

I was a guest on Sheila Deeth’s blog where she reviewed my book and learned where my motivation came behind writing “Finding Success in Balance.”
You can click HERE to view the article and click HERE to read her review. You can also view below:
Are you successful? Are you balanced?
Today I’m delighted to welcome Apryl Zarate Schlueter, author of Finding Success In Balance to my blog.
Finding Success in Balance: My Journey to The Cheerful Mind follows the quest of the career-driven individual trying to find a healthy balance between work and everything else outside of it (family, health, relationships, fun, etc.). Interweaving personal stories of the lessons she learned on her own journey, Schleuter shares strategies to help readers identify what work-life balance truly means including:
- Find time for the things you love without sacrifice
- Accomplish goals that are aligned with your priorities
- Love your career and grow strong, healthy relationships
- Manage stress and avoid burnout
It¹s time to stop letting society dictate what “success” means and start living the awesome life you have always wanted. Your journey starts here.
Click here to find my review of Finding Success In Balance and read on to learn what inspired Apryl to share these stories with her readers. Over to you Apryl, and thank you for visiting my blog.
The Motivation Behind writing “Finding Success in Balance” by Apryl Zarate Schlueter
On a sunny August day in 2015 (the 6th to be exact!), I publicly proclaimed (via social media) my intention to write a book. “And this, my friends, was the moment (or the moment shortly after) I made the decision to COMMIT to writing a book. Wanna guess what my title *might* be?” I was on my way to a flying trapeze class, and on the drive, I listened to a podcast where someone was explaining how one could write an entire book in a weekend, and while I was skeptical, I thought to myself, “Well, if people are writing books over a span of days, there’s no way I can’t become an author!” Of course, I had fear around taking this leap, especially since my academic background had nothing to do with writing, but the idea of jumping into a big goal like this fed my inner adrenaline junkie, so I went for it!
It was a period of my life where I was transitioning into entrepreneurship after many years of being employed. I was one month into my coach training, and I had already experienced massive personal growth, and wanted to share the many lessons I had learned. However, I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to share those lessons. Looking ahead at creating my business plan, I knew that I would need to eventually choose a strategy to market who I am and what I do in my business, but I had no clue what that perfect strategy was.
One of the big takeaways I had from my coach certification training was the fact that I was an “outward processor.” This trait of mine was one which I historically had a great amount of shame around; people used to make fun of me because it would take me a significant amount of time to answer questions. I always wanted to provide a thorough explanation on how I arrived at my answers. Once I was able to embrace this tendency, I realized that writing a book would be the perfect method to explain who I am, why the search for work-life balance was so important to me, and how I could help others find balance for themselves.
In writing Finding Success in Balance, I was able to gain clarity on the many lessons I’ve learned to improve my overall quality of life, and I now have a tangible item that I can reference whenever I need a reminder on how to move forward. The book writing journey was a fun ride, I feel a sense of great accomplishment, and have more confidence than ever!
Thank you Apryl. I’m not sure I could even imagine writing a book in a weekend–a story perhaps; a book review… but your story does inspire me to try writing one over many weekends about a topic dear to my heart. It’s so different from writing fiction though. Like you, I’m committing to something others do all the time, which I have never tried to do.
And just maybe it will be good for me too–I rather suspect I’m an “outward processor” too.
Apryl Schlueter is the Chief Energy! Officer of The Cheerful Mind, Inc., a happiness and productivity expert who helps people have more fun while getting stuff done! She is a Certified Professional Coach, speaker, and author of “Finding Success in Balance: My Journey to The Cheerful Mind.” Like this article? Find more at
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