Surround Yourself With Positivity

In my pre-coaching days, I didn’t realize the impact of the Law of Attraction. I used to hate making eye contact with people (yes, I can be shy!) and I had a huge protective wall surrounding myself. One of my dear friends challenged me around this idea, and suggested that I start smiling and making eye contact with people. This small action changed my LIFE. People actually smiled back (awkward!), and it magically made me smile back MORE!
Positivity is infectious!!! In one community I am a part of, a man hustled to declutter his house, and he did it so wonderfully that he inspired others to take action and do the same! How’s that for finding ways to help get more stuff done?!
So check out the people and things in your surroundings. Do they light you up? Or do they bring you down? I encourage you to draw yourself closer to those positive bright lights in your life. You’ll be surprised at how big of an impact this can make.