Finding Success in Balance Book Review: SMS Book Reviews

Kathleen with SMS Book Reviews gave a 5-star review of my book, Finding Success in Balance.
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Finding Success in Balance: My Journey to the Cheerful Mind by Apryl Zarate Schlueter

Stars: *****
The Cheerful Mind (2017)
156 pages
Self-Help/Happiness/Time Management
Summary: Think about your life right now. Are you just going through the motions? Do you want more fun and less stress in your life? Is there simply too much to do and never enough time? Do you find your work depleting, relationships strained, and health neglected? As a working parent, Apryl Zarate Schlueter used to experience all of those things and more until a routine doctor’s visit uncovered the negative impact of a rushed lifestyle. That was when she began her quest for a healthy “work-life balance.” In her first book, FINDING SUCCESS IN BALANCE: MY JOURNEY TO THE CHEERFUL MIND, Apryl shares how she regained control of her life and the lessons she’s learned along the way
Finding Success in Balance
I’ve read a lot about work-life balance and I wasn’t sure this book would be different but it was. A lot of the book is telling the author’s story. At first I thought this wasn’t necessary and took up too much space but I kept reading and saw that it’s necessary to understand where the author is coming from and the fact that she really DOES know about balancing work and life more than most people.
Apryl is a certified life coach and the creator of The Cheerful Mind Inc. but she had many, many other jobs before those ones. She gives some basic work-life tips at the beginning and then goes into her life story a bit. Unfortunately I think a lot of people might want to stop there if they aren’t into backstory but if you are reading this before you read the book, please keep reading.
The next chapter she goes into what fun really means and how to infuse more fun in your life. Then she goes over stress management and how lack of this affected her life. The next chapter is about money management including wise spending habits and financial planning. These are important topics especially if you are thinking of dialling back your workload. The section on money mindset was especially interesting. She explains how you think about money really affects how you feel AND how you attract or repel wealth.
The next section is about your relationships including how they change and grow and how they relate to your work and life. The personal development section was one of the best. Figuring out what you want in life is essential before you figure out if your work and life are balance. I need to reread that section and do some journalling to figure out where I am and where I want to be. In it she also explains her Cheerful Mind concept.
You can find out more about The Cheerful Mind if you want to get some more advice or you can purchase the book and get to fixing your work-life balance.
About Kathleen
I’ve been a nonfiction lover for as long as I can remember. I love children’s nonfiction as well and love to share my knowledge and the books I gained them from, with the world. I wish more people would give nonfiction a chance.