What I learned from a trip to the emergency room

Happy Friday!
This week has been one of derailment, pain, and playing catch-up for me. I hope it hasn’t been this way for you! (But if it is, let me know so I can send you love and hugs!)
I returned from an awesome weekend in Florida (although struggling with stomach pain all weekend) on Monday morning, and was sent to the emergency room Tuesday morning, After tons of excruciating pain, tests, scans, and needles, I was diagnosed with a kidney infection. I’m doing much better now (but not yet 100%), but it has definitely stopped my routine dead in its tracks. I haven’t been able to work out. It still hurts to sit upright. My to-do list is very, very long.
But instead of looking at it as a disaster, I understood my priorities and knew it was time to put everything else aside and take care of my body. The “old” Apryl possibly would have not gone to the doctor as early as I did, trying to be strong and fight off the pain. The “old” Apryl would have complained about how inconvenient this is and get super stressed out from having to completely clear my calendar and let the to-do list pile up. The “old” Apryl would have beaten herself up for all the things she could have done to prevent this from happening.
I’m here to tell you it’s SO important that we listen to our bodies. Any little trigger you experience, whether emotional, physical, mental, etc. is trying to tell you something. Let it send you messages, and listen.