Conscious Entrepreneur Podcast, Episode 90

I’m taking a quick detour from the relationship theme this month (although I could have talked about our relationship with self-care and self-love) to share a great podcast I was a guest on a couple weeks ago. It’s hosted my friend, Dr. Jen Cincurak ND who shows conscious entrepreneurs how to break through their success plateau. Jen and I met through a business mastermind, and I absolutely love her calm and collected nature, as she “taps” into people’s success, quite literally. She’s one of my favorite Canadians, and a joy to chat with, and in this episode, I talk about how fun creates success! Check out the episode here.
Here’s a preview of the description from her website of the episode:
Have you ever felt utterly and completely exhausted at the idea of getting something done in your business? But then someone asks you if you want to see a movie and you’re like a dog in the park!!!
‘Let’s go! Are we going?! Here’s my leash! Yes! Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!!!’
When I was in Naturopathic medical school my friends and I would laugh about how we were just too tired to study any more.
But had someone wanted to go out?
In fact, there’s a Bach Flower remedy that describes this picture to a T.
However, what if you could inject the feeling of going out right into that task you’re SO over having to do?
That’s exactly what our guest Apryl Schleuter breaks down for us in this podcast.
She loves helping people get stuff done while having fun so give ‘er a listen and see how you can inject a little more joy into your work.
We all need your beautiful business so thank you for continuing to evolve and bring it!
Reflect constantly. It’s where the magic happens.
The book the inspired Apryl’s success mindset: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
Apryl’s new book! Finding Success In Balance
Apryl’s favourite success quotes:
“The only constant is change.” – Heraclitus
“Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.” –Haruki Murakami