What Might You Be Taking For Granted?

Hello from the road! The last couple weeks for me has been busy prepping for our week-long trip to Table Rock State Park with our new travel trailer in Branson, MO. We came to this campground 4 years ago with a tent, when my little guys were 2 and 4, and we were lucky to have lots of dry and sunshine back then. This trip was a LOT more rainy and humid (especially on July 4th!), but nevertheless, it was great to meet up with the rest of my husband’s family for our first full-family reunion since 2010 (when there were only 2 grandkids; now we have 7)!
While we had the luxury of sleeping in a pretty comfortable trailer, we still were “unplugged” from the normal comfort of everyday life. I couldn’t help but notice many things that I live with that I take for granted: reliable internet, spacious and bug-free showers, and having everything I need within easy reach. (Note: I acknowledge that these are all “first-world” problems – haha! – but I wholeheartedly acknowledge that I can be a tiny little bit of “diva” out in the wild. Mosquitos love to eat me alive, and my value of efficiency is threatened when I don’t have internet or am outside my comfort zone!)
At the same time, this trip was a chance to do things I don’t normally have the chance to do regularly because life is so busy: reconnecting with family who are spread across the country, appreciating nature, roasting marshmallows, and SLEEP! This is a great reminder to us all that there are always benefits and challenges in every situation we experience. And we have a choice in how we want to look at those situations.
We are starting our drive back to Chicago with a couple stops on the way, but I wanted to check in and give you an opportunity to reflect as well…What might you be taking for granted? Was there a recent situation in your life that you can choose to look more at the benefits, instead of the challenges? Share your comments and thoughts below!