How to Overcome Procrastination {Video Interview w/ Marissa Vicario of Marissa’s Well-Being and Health}

This week I was featured on the blog Where I Need To Be by my friend Marissa, of Marissa’s Well-Being and Health! to talk about procrastination!
Click HERE to check out the blog post or check out the video below!
Blog Post text:
It seems everyone would like to learn how to overcome procrastination, because we’ve all been a victim of it at one time or another. Even if you don’t consider yourself a procrastinator, sometimes we get so overwhelmed with our to-do list that procrastination sets in. I find this to be true often with my coaching clients. Changing diet and lifestyle behaviors may feel daunting or perhaps we fear failure – or even success.
I called in Apryl Schlueter of The Cheerful Mind for her tips and advice on how to overcome procrastination.
Click on the video below to see our interview and learn about some of Apryl’s favorite tools for getting things done and being more productive.
CLICK HERE for complimentary access to the highlights from Apryl’s recent Your Life, Your Way Summit. Or, GO HERE to get her webinar, How To Make More Time To Do The Things You Love Without Sacrificing Your Success.