My Master Organization System

Organization Structure

I know I’ve talked about organization before, and I’m going to dive deeper into this topic every so often, because gosh darn it, I’m pretty darn good at it! Here’s what I do every day to keep myself organized, and feel free to take it and modify it into a process that works for you. I’ve…

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Dealing with “peak” busy times

Dealing With Busy Times

So you’ve been humming along, living life, getting stuff done, and all of a sudden, a wave of tasks hit your to-do list. A few examples can include dealing with a basement flood, getting slammed with multiple things at work with competing deadlines, or getting ready for baby. How do you manage to get it…

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Get out of that funk!

Article to Make A Change

It happens to everyone – things can be perfectly okay, but you just feel like BLAH! Here’s what I did this week to get past my funk, and back to my cheery self. Apply to your situation as needed, when you need a little pick me up! Acknowledge and Embrace! It took me a couple…

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3 resources I’d like to share!

I figured I’d share some resources that have caught my eye recently from others that that I’ve found extremely helpful!  Happiness TED Talk A friend shared this with me on Facebook last week, and it echoes a lot of my thoughts on happiness and success, backed up with some research data. In addition, the speaker,…

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